I once said that CGI makes you less inventive. At the time I was bemoaning the loss of the practical stunt. If a stunt can be done practically and safely, I'd rather do it old-style.
Steven SpielbergWhen I don't have a movie, I don't take a job just for the sake of working. I just sit it out until I find something I'm passionate about.
Steven SpielbergI did 50 takes on Robert Shaw assembling the Greener Gun on 'Jaws.' The shark wasn't working, so I just kept shooting to make the production report look like we were accomplishing something and to keep cast and crew from going crazy from boredom. It was a strategic indulgence.
Steven SpielbergWhen war comes, two things happen - profits go way, way up and all perishables go way, way down. There becomes a market for them.
Steven Spielberg