Plans to protect air and water, wilderness and wildlife are in fact plans to protect man.
Stewart UdallOver the long haul of life on the planet, it is the ecologists, and not the bookkeepers of business, who are the ultimate accountants.
Stewart UdallOne of the best things that came out of the Carter administration was the energy policy. The best things in it were renewable energy.
Stewart UdallAmerica today stands poised on a pinnacle of wealth and power, yet we live in a land of vanishing beauty, of increasing ugliness, of shrinking open space, and of an over-all environment that is diminished daily by pollution and noise and blight.
Stewart UdallFor those who want to understand the issues of the environmental crisis, Encounters with the Archdruid is a superb book. McPhee reveals more nuances of the value revolution that dominates the new age of ecology than most writers could pack into a volume twice as long. I marvel at his capacity to listen intently and extract the essence of a man and his philosophy in the fewest possible words.
Stewart Udall