Know that once we have received Jesus, we can't continue to live our old sinful lifestyle. Now that we have His Holy Spirit living in us, guiding us, and transforming us, we have no excuse.
Stormie OmartianHow you respond to the enemy of your soul determines whether his plan for your life or God's plan for your life is realized.
Stormie OmartianGod, show me how to pray in a way that will make a difference in this child’s life.
Stormie OmartianThe battle for our lives, and the lives and souls of our children, our husbands, our friends, our families, our neighbors, and our nation is waged on our knees. When we don't pray, it's like sitting on the sidelines watching those we love and care about scrambling through a war zone, getting shot at from every angle. When we do pray, however, we're in the battle alongside them, approaching God's power on their behalf. If we also declare the Wordog God in our prayers, then we wield a powerful weapon against which no enemy can prevail.
Stormie Omartian