Now think about the Universal Law. It reflects to you exactly and precisely what you put out. If your thought-forms say, "I haven't got a clue about what I want," the Universal Law is going to say, "Listen, mate, if you haven't got a clue, neither have I.
Stuart WildeYou can't get a pay raise when you're angry. People will react to the negative energy and will resist you.
Stuart WildeKnowledge is power. The more knowledge, expertise, and connections you have, the easier it is for you to make a profit at the game of your choice.
Stuart WildeI firmly believe the world will sort itself out in the end. Believe it with me. At least none of us will be around to be proven wrong.
Stuart WildeIt is better that you live in a one-room garret with a leaky roof, than live in a large house, the mortgage payments of which are causing your colon to turn cancerous!
Stuart WildeSomewhere in your life there will be an overriding theme to your quest - some part of your desire that cannot be denied without a terrible cost to the very essence of what you are. Are you going to ignore it, or do you have the courage of your commitment and the confidence to demand that life, humanity, or circumstances give you what you want, with no other excuse, reason or apology other than that you demand it?
Stuart Wilde