Successful people are usually more lively than those who are unsuccessful. The quickening of the spirit they feel comes out of their creativity, and success detaches them from the more rigid outlook on life - it puts them in the flow. So the shakers and movers, by their very nature, are moving faster, taking more risks, and investing more in the world than their less active counterparts.
Stuart WildeLearning to charge properly is a vital key to abundance. Affirm that you will never devalue yourself by charging less than what you feel you are worth.
Stuart WildeBravery is not the absence of fear. Bravery is the ability to operate effectively even while totally terrified.
Stuart WildeAn affirmation is almost like a mantra. It does not really matter if what you are affirming is not totally true as yet. By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually it becomes your reality.
Stuart Wilde