Every living creature on the earth is special. You want to be the one that puts an end to one of them?
Sue Monk KiddWhen a woman starts to disentangle herself from patriarchy, ultimately she is abandoned to her own self.
Sue Monk KiddWhatever else you do, listen to your Deepest Self. Love Her and be true to Her, speak Her truth, always.
Sue Monk KiddIt was the in-between time, before day leaves and night comes, a time I’ve never been partial to because of the sadness that lingers in the space between going and coming.
Sue Monk KiddMy children have always existed at the deepest center of me, right there in the heart/hearth, but I struggled with the powerful demands of motherhood, chafing sometimes at the way they pulled me away from my separate life, not knowing how to balance them with my unwieldy need for solitude and creative expression.
Sue Monk Kidd