True development must be in harmony with the needs of people and the rhythms of the natural world.
Sulak SivaraksaCapitalism brainwashes us through advertising and the skewing of priorities .... We need economies that promote human values, seek to limit suffering, and are committed to democratic principles, rather than ones dependent on global trade and a blind commitment to neo-liberal economic policies.
Sulak SivaraksaPeople seeking to live spiritually must be concerned with their social and physical environment.
Sulak SivaraksaRadical transformation of society requires personal and spiritual change first or at least simultaneously
Sulak SivaraksaI make a distinction between Buddhism with a Capital 'B' and buddhism with a small 'b'. Sri Lanka has the former, in which the state uses Buddhism as an instrument of power, so there are even Buddhists monks who say the Tamils should be eliminated. Thai Buddhists are not perfect either. Some Thai Buddhist monks have compromised with the kind and possess cars and other luxuries. In many Buddhist countries, the emphasis is on being goody-goody, which is not good enough. I am for buddhism with a small 'b' which is non-violent, practical and aims to eliminate the cause of suffering.
Sulak Sivaraksa