I deplore the horrible crime of child-murder...We want prevention, not merely punishment. We must reach the root of the evil, and destroy it.
Susan B. AnthonyWhat an absurd notion that women have not intellectual and moral faculties sufficent for anything else but domestic concerns!
Susan B. AnthonyWe are told it will be of no use for us to ask this measure of justice--that the ballot be given to the women of our new possessions upon the same terms as to the men--because we shall not get it. It is not our business whether we are going to get it; our business is to make the demand.... Ask for the whole loaf and take what you can get.
Susan B. AnthonyI declare to you that woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught to protect herself, and there I take my stand.
Susan B. AnthonyI hope there will be no effort to put up a shaft or any monument of that sort in memory of me or of the other women who have giventhemselves to our work. The best kind of a memorial would be a school where girls could be taught everything useful that would help them to earn an honorable livelihood; where they could learn to do anything they were capable of, just as boys can. I would like to have lived to see such a school as that in every great city of the United States.
Susan B. Anthony