Love is essential; gregariousness is optional. Cherish your nearest and dearest. Work with colleagues you like and respect. Scan new acquaintances for those who might fall into the former categories or whose company you enjoy for its own sake. And don't worry about socializing with everyone else. Relationships make everyone happier, introverts included, but think quality over quantity.
Susan CainAs a parent, if give yourself what you need, your children will watch you doing that and will give themselves what they need.
Susan CainRemember that introverts react not only to new people, but also to new places and events. So donโt mistake a childโs caution in new situations for an inability to relate to others. Heโs recoiling from novelty or overstimulation, not from human contact. Introverts are just as likely as the next kid to seek othersโ company, though often in smaller doses
Susan CainAll personality traits have their good side and their bad side. But for a long time, we've seen introversion only through its negative side and extroversion mostly through its positive side.
Susan CainWe donโt ask why God chose as his prophet a stutterer with a public speaking phobia. But we should. The book of Exodus is short on explication, but its stories suggest that introversion plays yin to the yang of extroversion; that the medium is not always the message; and that people followed Moses because his words were thoughtful, not because he spoke them well.
Susan Cain