Any joy, creativity or wisdom our next moment brings will ensue from the way we live our present one.
Susan L. TaylorWomen work overtime, do double triple duty, juggle ten balls at once -- children, careers, husbands, schoolwork, housework, church work, and more work -- and when one of the balls drops, we think something is wrong with us.
Susan L. TaylorWomen are holding up the world. We're taking care our children and, very often, our parents and sometimes our grandparents.
Susan L. TaylorThe paralyzing effect of fear makes us as helpless as babies and blinds us to the truth that God didn't send us here to be powerless spectators, but to become powerful initiators. We are spiritual beings having an earthly experience, and we have the power to break the cycle of negativity that is fueling a very dangerous world. It's not only possible, it's why we are here.
Susan L. Taylor