And how shall I think of you?' He considered a moment and then laughed. 'Think of me with my nose in a book!
Susanna ClarkeHe understood for the first time that the world is not dumb at all, but merely waiting for someone to speak to it in a language it understands.
Susanna ClarkeI mean that two of any thing is a most uncomfortable number. One may do as he pleases. Six may get along well enough. But two must always struggle for mastery. Two must always watch each other. The eyes of all the world will be on two, uncertain which of them to follow.
Susanna ClarkeMr. Robinson was a polished sort of person. He was so clean and healthy and pleased about everything that he positively shone - which is only to be expected in a fairy or an angel, but is somewhat disconcerting in an attorney.
Susanna Clarke