I carefully lay out the provisions. One thin black sleeping bag that reflects body heat. A pack of crackers. A pack of dried beef strips. A bottle of iodine. A box of wooden matches. A small coil of wire. A pair of sunglasses. And a half-gallon plastic bottle with a cap for carrying water that's bone dry. No water. How hard would it have been for them to fill up the bottle?
Suzanne CollinsPeeta, you were supposed to wake me after a couple of hours," I say. "For what? Nothing's going on here," he says. "Besides, I like watching you sleep. You don't scowl. Improves your looks a lot." This, of course, brings on a scowl that makes him grin.
Suzanne CollinsI go back to my room and lie under the covers, trying not to think of Gale and thinking of nothing else.
Suzanne CollinsWell, I can't leave Mags behind," says Finnick. "She's one of the few people who actually likes me.
Suzanne CollinsOne time, my mother told me that I always eat like I'll never see food again. And I said, "I won't unless I bring it home." That shut her up.
Suzanne Collins