Had mankind listened to the Creator when he advised his children to never create his image, or give him a name, then humanity would not be so confused and divided in believing that every faith is worshiping a different god.
Suzy KassemAlways surround yourself with friends that have plenty of light in them. That way, you will always have candles around you when days are dark.
Suzy KassemBeing different and thinking different makes a person unforgettable. History does not remember the forgettable. It honors the unique minority the majority cannot forget
Suzy KassemTime has always been the greatest ally to Truth, because Time eventually relieves and reveals all.
Suzy KassemPeople nowadays talk about issues as if they're reading lines off a teleprompter. They recite what they read and echo it without thinking. It has become easier to divide people than to unify them, and to blind them than to give them vision. We are no longer unified like a bowl of Cheerios. Instead, we have become as segregated as a box of Lucky Charms. Every day we see the same leprechauns on TV acting like they're the experts of everything.
Suzy Kassem