If you intend to study the mind, you must have systematic training; you must practice to bring the mind under your control, to attain to that consciousness from which you will be able to study the mind and remain unmoved by any of its wild gyrations. Otherwise the facts observed will not be reliable; they will not apply to all people and therefore will not be truly facts or data at all.
Swami VivekanandaIt is very difficult to understand why in this country [India] so much difference is made between men and women, whereas the Vedanta declares that one and the same conscious Self is present in all beings. You always criticize the women, but say what have you done for their uplift? Writing down Smritis etc., and binding them by hard rules, the men have turned the women into manufacturing machines! If you do not raise the women, who are living embodiment of the Divine Mother, donโt think that you have any other way to rise.
Swami VivekanandaConsciously or unconsciously, we are all striving for perfection. Every being must attain to it.
Swami VivekanandaWhen you talk and think of the Absolute, you have to do it in the relative; so all these logical arguments apply.
Swami Vivekananda