Know for certain that there is no power in the universe to injure us unless we first injure ourselves.
Swami VivekanandaNature grinds all of us. Keep count of the ounce of pleasure you get. In the long run, nature did her work through you, and when you die your body will make other plants grow. Yet we think all the time that we are getting pleasure ourselves. Thus the wheel goes round.
Swami VivekanandaCharity is great, but the moment you say it is all, you run the risk of running into materialism.
Swami VivekanandaMy Master used to say, when a pitcher is being filled (by immersion), it gurgles, but when full, it is noiseless.
Swami VivekanandaMany of us get many messages in our lives, or think we get them. As long as the message is regarding our own selves, go on doing what you please. But when it is in regard to our contact with and behavior to others, think a hundred times before you act upon it-and then you will be safe.
Swami Vivekananda