The book is all in us. Fool, hearest not thou? In thine own heart day and night is singing that Eternal Music - Sachchidรขnanda, soham, soham - Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute, I am He, I am He.
Swami VivekanandaEvery wave of passion restrained is a balance in your favor. It is therefore good policy not to return anger for anger, as with all true morality.
Swami VivekanandaHe who is alone is happy. Do good to all, like everyone, but do not love anyone. It is a bondage, and bondage brings only misery. Live alone in your mind - that is happiness. To have nobody to care for and never minding who cares for one is the way to be free.
Swami VivekanandaThen from the world all spirituality will be extinct, all moral perfection will be extinct, all sweet-souled sympathy for religion will be extinct, all ideality will be extinct; and in its place will reign the duality of lust and luxury as the male and female deities, with money as its priest, fraud, force, and competition its ceremonies, and the human soul its sacrifice. Such a thing can never be.
Swami Vivekananda