Every action that helps us manifest our divine nature more and more is good; every action that retards it is evil.
Swami VivekanandaIf a man, day and night, thinks he is miserable, low and nothing, nothing he becomes. If you say yea, yea, "I am, I am", so shall you be.
Swami VivekanandaInternal and external nature, mind and matter, are in time and space, and are bound by the law of causation.
Swami VivekanandaIt is very difficult to understand why in this country [India] so much difference is made between men and women, whereas the Vedanta declares that one and the same conscious Self is present in all beings. You always criticize the women, but say what have you done for their uplift? Writing down Smritis etc., and binding them by hard rules, the men have turned the women into manufacturing machines! If you do not raise the women, who are living embodiment of the Divine Mother, donโt think that you have any other way to rise.
Swami Vivekananda