A perfect life is a contradiction in terms. Life itself is a state of continuous struggle between ourselves and everything outside. Every moment we are fighting actually with external nature, and if we are defeated, our life has to go. It is, for instance, a continuous struggle for food and air. If food or air fails, we die. Life is not a simple and smoothly flowing thing, but it is a compound effect. This complex struggle between something inside and the external world is what we call life. So it is clear that when this struggle ceases, there will be an end of life.
Swami VivekanandaCome out into the broad light of day, come out from the little narrow paths, for how can the infinite soul rest content to live and die in small ruts?
Swami VivekanandaManushya (man) is a being with Manas (mind); and as soon as his thinking power goes, he becomes no better than an animal.
Swami VivekanandaTo many, Indian thought, Indian manners; Indian customs, Indian philosophy, Indian literature are repulsive at the first sight; but let them persevere, let them read, let them become familiar with the great principles underlying these ideas, and it is ninety-nine to one that the charm will come over them, and fascination will be the result. Slow and silent, as the gentle dew that falls in the morning, unseen and unheard yet producing a most tremendous result, has been the work of the calm, patient, all-suffering spiritual race upon the world of thought.
Swami VivekanandaIt is the calm, forgiving, equable, well-balanced mind that does the greatest amount of work.
Swami Vivekananda