No authority can save us, no beliefs. If there is a God, all can find Him. No one needs to be told it is warm; all can discover it for themselves. So it should be with God. He should be a fact in the consciousness of every person.
Swami VivekanandaMan is the best mirror, and the purer the man, the more clearly he can reflect God.
Swami VivekanandaRenunciation is always the ideal of every race; only other races do not know what they are made to do by nature unconsciously.
Swami VivekanandaChristians are always wanting God to give them something. They appear as beggars before the throne of the Almighty.
Swami VivekanandaWell has it been said that man is the only animal that naturally looks upwards; every other animal naturally looks down. That looking upward and going upward and seeking perfection are what is called salvation; and the sooner a man begins to go higher, the sooner he raises himself towards this idea of truth as salvation.
Swami VivekanandaMotion is always a relative thing. I move in relation to something else. Any particle in this universe can change in relation to any other particle; but take the whole universe as one, and in relation to what can it move? There is nothing besides it. So this infinite Unit is unchangeable, immovable, absolute, and this is the Real Man.
Swami Vivekananda