The more you think of yourself as shining immortal spirit, the more eager you will be to be absolutely free of matter, body, and senses. This is the intense desire to be free.
Swami VivekanandaGod is one the paths to reach him (religions) are many - just as different rivers, originating in different mountains, traverse different paths, flowing straight or crooked, and at last join the ocean. He is the one Lord of all, the one Soul of all souls.
Swami VivekanandaThe organs are the horses, the mind is the rein, the intellect is the charioteer, the soul is the rider, and the body is the chariot.
Swami VivekanandaTo be more free is the goal of all our efforts, for only in perfect freedom can there be perfection.
Swami VivekanandaThere is another way in which this idea of mercy and selfless charity can be put into practice; that is, by looking upon work as "worship" in case we believe in a Personal God. Here we give up all the fruits our work unto the Lord, and worshipping Him thus, we have no right to expect anything from man kind for the work we do.
Swami Vivekananda