There is no help for you outside of yourself; you are the creator of the universe. Like the silkworm you have built a cocoon around yourself.... Burst your own cocoon and come out as the beautiful butterfly, as the free soul. Then alone you will see Truth.
Swami VivekanandaAccording to the history of human progress, it is disobedience to nature that has constituted that progress.
Swami VivekanandaFor a time it seemed inevitable that the surging tide of agnosticism and materialism would sweep all before it. There were those who did not dare utter what they thought. Many thought the case hopeless and the cause of religion lost once and for ever. But the tide has turned and to the rescue has come - what? The study of comparative religions. By the study of different religions we find that in essence they are one.
Swami VivekanandaWe want to know in order to make ourselves free. That is our life: one universal cry for freedom.
Swami Vivekananda