Well has it been said that man is the only animal that naturally looks upwards; every other animal naturally looks down.
Swami VivekanandaThe sages are often ignorant of physical science, because they read the wrong book-the book within; and the scientists are too often ignorant of religion, because they too read the wrong book-the book outside.
Swami VivekanandaGod is present in every Jiva; there is no other God besides that. Who serves Jiva serves God indeed.
Swami VivekanandaFrom attachment comes longing, and longing breeds anger. From anger comes delusion, and from delusion, confused memory. From confused memory comes the ruin of discrimination; and from the ruin of discrimination, a man perishes.
Swami VivekanandaOnward, my brave boys - money or no money - men or no men! Have you love? Have you God? Onward and forward to the breach, you are irresistible.
Swami VivekanandaThe secret of image - worship is that you are trying to develop your vision of Divinity in one thing.
Swami VivekanandaWhose meditation is real and effective? Who can really surrender to the will of God? Only the person whose mind has been purified by selfless work.
Swami VivekanandaLet us calmly and in a manly fashion go to work, instead of dissipating our energy in unnecessary frettings and fumings. I, for one, thoroughly believe that no power in the universe can withhold from anyone anything he really deserves. The past was great no doubt, but I sincerely believe that the future will be more glorious still.
Swami VivekanandaGod is one the paths to reach him (religions) are many - just as different rivers, originating in different mountains, traverse different paths, flowing straight or crooked, and at last join the ocean. He is the one Lord of all, the one Soul of all souls.
Swami VivekanandaStand in that reverent attitude to the whole universe, and then will come perfect non attachment.
Swami VivekanandaWhat makes a man stand up and work? Strength. Strength is goodness, weakness is sin.
Swami VivekanandaWho makes us ignorant? We ourselves. We put our hands over our eyes and weep that it is dark.
Swami VivekanandaThis is the secret of spiritual life: to think that I am the Atman and not the body, and that the whole of this universe with all its relations, with all its good and all its evil, is but as a series of paintings...scenes on a canvas...of which I am the witness.
Swami VivekanandaThere is only one Soul in the Universe. There is no 'you' or 'me'; all variety is merged into the absolute unity, the one infinite existence - God.
Swami VivekanandaBe moral. Be brave. Be a heart-whole man, strictly moral, brave unto desperation. Don't bother your head with religious theories. Cowards only sin, brave men never, no, not even in mind.
Swami VivekanandaA sapling must be hedged about for protection, but when it becomes a tree, a hedge would be a hindrance. So there is no need to criticise and condemn the old forms.
Swami VivekanandaPay particular attention to your health, but too much coddling of the body will, on the contrary, also spoil the health.
Swami VivekanandaStick to God! Who cares what comes to the body or to anything else! Through the terrors of evil, say-my God, my love! Through the pangs of death, say-my God, my love! Through all the evils under the sun, say-my God, my love! Thou art here, I see Thee. Thou art with me, I feel Thee. I am Thine, take me. I am not of the world's but Thine, leave not then me.
Swami VivekanandaWork on with the intrepidity of a lion but at the same time with the tenderness of a flower.
Swami VivekanandaThe Atman alone is eternal. Hospitals will tumble down. Railroad givers will all die. This earth will be blown to pieces, suns wiped out. The Atman endures for ever.
Swami VivekanandaWhat is meant by charity? Charity is not fundamental. It is really helping on the misery of the world, not eradicating it. One looks for name and fame and covers his efforts to obtain them with the enamel of charity and good works. He is working for himself under the pretext of working for others. Every so-called charity is an encouragement of the very evil it claims to operate against.
Swami VivekanandaThe greatest help to spiritual life is meditation. In meditation we divest ourselves of all material condition and feel our divine nature.
Swami Vivekananda"I do not want to get material life, do not want the sense-life, but something higher." That is renunciation. Then, by the power of meditation, undo the mischief that has been done.
Swami VivekanandaEvery human being has the right to ask the reason, why, and to have his question answered by himself, if he only takes the trouble.
Swami VivekanandaTo many, Indian thought, Indian manners; Indian customs, Indian philosophy, Indian literature are repulsive at the first sight; but let them persevere, let them read, let them become familiar with the great principles underlying these ideas, and it is ninety-nine to one that the charm will come over them, and fascination will be the result. Slow and silent, as the gentle dew that falls in the morning, unseen and unheard yet producing a most tremendous result, has been the work of the calm, patient, all-suffering spiritual race upon the world of thought.
Swami VivekanandaEvil company is always to be shunned; because it leads to lust and anger, illusion, forgetfulness of the goal, destruction of the will (lack of perseverance), and destruction of everything. (Narada Bhakti Sutra)
Swami VivekanandaKnow for certain that there is no power in the universe to injure us unless we first injure ourselves.
Swami VivekanandaPurusha is the; great attraction of the universe; though untouched by and unconnected with the universe, yet it attracts the whole; universe.
Swami VivekanandaIt is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thought make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds. Learn to see things in the proper light.
Swami VivekanandaLive for an ideal, and that one ideal alone. Let it be so great, so strong, that there may be nothing else left in the mind; no place for anything else, no time for anything else.
Swami VivekanandaThere are hundreds of thousands of microbes surrounding us, but they cannot harm us unless we become weak, until the body is ready and predisposed to receive them. There may be a million microbes of misery floating about us. Never mind! They dare not approach us, they have no power to get a hold on us, until the mind is weakened. This is the great fact: strength is life. Weakness is death. Strength is felicity, life eternal, immortal. Weakness is constant strain and misery: weakness is death
Swami VivekanandaThe Kingdom of Heaven is within us. God is within us. He is the Soul of our souls. See Him in your own soul. That is practical religion. That is freedom.
Swami VivekanandaWe are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in the future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act.
Swami VivekanandaEven the least work done for others awakens the power within; even thinking the least good of others gradually instills into the heart the strength of a lion.
Swami Vivekananda