There is a hidden epidemic threatening the lives of millions of Americans...hunger. In this land of plenty, it is unthinkable that fellow citizens are going hungry. Included among these millions are children who, due to malnourishment, are not developing to their full potential intellectually, emotionally or behaviorally. The fortunate must provide for the unfortunate.
Swoosie KurtzI keep both of my Tonys on my mantle. Theyre in front of a mirror so if you look at just the right angle, it looks like I have four!
Swoosie KurtzTo me, getting notes, honing the part, and refining the role is the real fun of the play.
Swoosie KurtzThere is a hidden epidemic threatening the lives of millions of Americans...hunger. In this land of plenty, it is unthinkable that fellow citizens are going hungry. Included among these millions are children who, due to malnourishment, are not developing to their full potential intellectually, emotionally or behaviorally. The fortunate must provide for the unfortunate.
Swoosie Kurtz