Usually whenever you're scared of something, do it. If you're not afraid of it, don't do it.
Sylvester StalloneWhen I'm on a location, I pick a restaurant that's close and private and eat all my meals there.
Sylvester StalloneMy life has always been chaotic. From the time I got dressed in the back of a deflated, flat-tired, fish-smelling station wagon for Rocky. It's always been do it yourself, kind of like paper-clip it together.
Sylvester StalloneI think kids growing up, if they were picked on and feeling inferior at 12, they're going to feel that way at 72. You just deal with it better. I'm serious.
Sylvester StalloneI understand that a lot of other actors don't have a choice. They have to eat so they need to work and they'll do films that they're not so proud of. But I've been fortunate enough to be given a second wind, so I try to pick projects I know will provide the audience the kind of escapism they want from me.
Sylvester Stallone