If we fail to see that there are powers that cause people to be bowed down in bondage, we are going to fight the wrong battle.
T. B. JoshuaThe first step in our walk of faith is to stop our own works and rest in God's love, wisdom and power.
T. B. JoshuaOf all graces, faith honours Christ the most; of all graces, Christ honours faith the most.
T. B. JoshuaThere is no one ugly, deep, dark, powerful or evil enough to stop God from loving you. Nothing anyone can ever do to you can sever your connection to God. Nothing you could ever do can dam the unstoppable love of God for you. His love for you is undeniable, unrelenting and unconditional. You may ignore God, ridicule Him and reject Him but His love for you will remain constant and unchanging.
T. B. Joshua