At best, I consider flying an unavoidable necessity, a time to resurrect forgotten prayers and contemplate the end of all joy in a twisted howling heap of machinery; at worst, I rank it right up there with psychotic episodes and torture at the hands of malevolent strangers.
T.C. BoyleThe hardest part is always the middle of anything because at that point, on some unconscious level, you have to figure out what it's about and why you're doing it and what it means. You don't know that in the beginning.
T.C. BoyleI have an idea and a first line -- and that suggests the rest of it. I have little concept of what Iโm going to say, or where itโs going. I have some idea of how long itโs going to be -- but not what will happen or what the themes will be. Thatโs the intrigue of doing it -- itโs a process of discovery. You get to discover what youโre going to say and what itโs going to mean.
T.C. BoyleWe are animals and we are made in this way and this is how we behave. I'm just kind of fascinated by how we can deny that we are animals and what our impact on the other animals is like, and how quixotic we can be in trying to assess what we've done in trying to correct it.
T.C. BoyleWhat I'm doing is exploring things. This is why I'm a fiction writer rather than an essayist or a politician or whatever. I just gather material and find a scenario, and see where it takes me. I don't have a plan.
T.C. BoyleAny story has a beginning, middle, and end, of course, but the question is, where do you start it exactly? It's about a guy who is murdered in a fistfight, but how does it evolve and what does it mean? That's what I discovered scene by scene, and this innovation of coming in as a first-person narrator was a complete surprise to me. It just happened.
T.C. Boyle