Big ideas come from forward thinking people who challenge the norm, think outside the box, and invent the world they see inside rather than submitting to the limitations of current dilemmas
T. D. JakesSometimes what makes us insecure and vulnerable becomes the fuel we need to be overachievers. The antidote for a snakebite is made from the poison, and the thing that made you go backward is the same force that will push you forward.
T. D. JakesInstincts under pressure crush the carbon of conformity and create diamonds. Each new season of life offers to train us for the next season if we pay attention and adapt.
T. D. JakesLife's a university that'll teach you lessons, regardless of your desire to pass the “class” or not, there is always something else to learn
T. D. JakesInstilling values of faith at an early age is important. Listening them through adolescence comes more important than teaching because if you haven't instilled in them at early ages now it's time to listen and get your report card and let them find their way and then as an adult let them stand aside.
T. D. Jakes