I think its good to worship as a family but its also important to worship as an individual.
T. D. JakesThe enemy doesn't care how many days you live as long as you don't live in the days you have.
T. D. JakesOnce again, Kirk Franklin takes the church beyond the traditional, transitioning his life's experiences into life lessons. Clearly there is more to this man than great music. You will feel the beat of his heart and faith.
T. D. JakesYou’d be surprised at the things that look great on the outside but are dysfunctional on the inside. Be sure to function as good as you look
T. D. JakesSome young ladies are so starved for male approval that what should be a normal attraction to men is accelerated into an obsessive need for male affirmation. Tragically, these dear ladies allow themselves to be devoured in the arms of men who have neither regard not respect for them as people.
T. D. Jakes