One of the principles we teach in our programs is "If you shoot for the stars, you'll at least hit the moon." Poor people don't even shoot for the ceiling in their house, and then they wonder why they're not successful.
T. Harv EkerI ask you, what is the use of having your "cake" if you can't eat it? What exactly are you supposed to do with it? Put it on your mantel and look at it? Cake is meant to be eaten and enjoyed.
T. Harv EkerEither you're a person who will be stopped, or you are a person who won't be stopped. You choose.
T. Harv EkerRich people work hard and believe it's perfectly appropriate to be well rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide for others. Poor people work hard, but due to their feelings of unworthiness, they believe that it is inappropriate for them to be well rewarded for their efforts and the value they provide.
T. Harv Eker