As far as from a standpoint of success, the only person who is in a position to make a claim like that sort [for the 'King Of The South' title] would be Lil Wayne - as far as success from a numbers standpoint. As far as longevity and success, that's the only person I feel like can say that.
T.I.While there's currently great turmoil, there is even greater opportunity for US to work together to transform our community. Far too many of our children are fatherless, far too many of our mothers are standing in the prison waiting rooms and far too many of our young people feel hopeless.
T.I.It is a lot of responsibility. But I enjoy being a father. Thats one of the best parts of my life. I feel like, man, thats one of the greatest things Ive got going on, being a father.
T.I.I'm by no means a perfect human being. I experience more than half of my life perpetuating darkness. That was because I was dropped in a place of darkness and expected to find a way out.