I’m always the same. Whether I’m solo or with Big Bang, the one thing I have to do is sing and dance. I started solo activities with the things I did well with Big Bang, and I’ll show the things I learned while doing solo through Big Bang. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I am Taeyang and Dong Young Bae.
TaeyangBig Bang is what made me who I am today. With them, I laugh the most, and I feel like I can achieve things
TaeyangI think I have changed a lot. People might feel a little unfamiliar with the new me, but this is just who I am. I realised that I just want to be free.
TaeyangI know what I'm the best at. But I still want to do something different because it's fun for me. Even though I'm really good at something, it's boring for me to do the same thing every time and it'll be boring for people who are listening to me.
TaeyangTVXQ has always chased after different music styles, and their members all have very strong talents.