Doing work you love is the dizzying path of saying yes to yourself and yes to a brilliant, hidden self you do not yet know.
Tama J. KievesYou could wait for the world to invite you to the banquet and the ball. Or you could just show up in your red dress and your headdress ready to boogie.
Tama J. KievesYour talents are worth your devotion. Stop saying you don't have time or it might not make money. Your talents are another form of oxygen you need to breathe in this lifetime.
Tama J. KievesWhat is your real work? Is it that which pays the bills or is it your art? I think your real work is healing. Whatever helps you become more loving in this lifetime. Whatever helps you forgive yourself, embrace yourself, meet yourself, and free yourself in this lifetime.
Tama J. Kieves