With every kind of birth control available in the world, abortion is not something to be proud of. If you need an abortion, you've failed.
Tammy BruceBelieving a person deserves a defence is not the same as doing anything in your power to get him off scot-free.
Tammy BruceWhen your victimhood is your empowerment, recovery is the enemy, and working on 'individual change' becomes counterproductive, even dangerous to your identity.
Tammy BruceAs you can imagine, I have a deeply personal interest in people learning to at least be tolerant of homosexuals. My life depends on it. And as I wish to be left alone, I realize it is not in my interest to interfere with how other people choose to lead their lives, or raise their children. All totalitarian arguments that restrict people's freedom have been based in the "it's best for everyone" framework.
Tammy Bruce