Never before had she seen such creatures, though they looked much live very large, very shaggy white goats. Thin black horns punctuated the top of their long faces. You look like a collection of grandfathers, she thought, amused.
Tamora PierceIf we pick a fight, then we're just as bad as them. Combat should be used just to help people who can't defend themselves, period." "Well, if I don't fight back and they pound on me, then I'm one of the people I should be defending.
Tamora PierceBriar: "So I guess I was the last to know." Rosethorn: "Of course you are. You're a man, aren't you?
Tamora PierceI'm about to commence four years of obeying the cause of a bruiser on a horse. I refuse to put down what might be the last book I see for months.
Tamora Pierce