Now death is uncool, old-fashioned. To my mind the defining characteristic of our era is spin, everything tailored to vanishing point by market research, brands and bands manufactured to precise specifications; we are so used to things transmuting into whatever we would like them to be that it comes as a profound outrage to encounter death, stubbornly unspinnable, only and immutably itself.
Tana FrenchHere's a little tip for you. If you don't like being called a murderer, don't kill people.
Tana FrenchEveryone else we knew growing up is the same: image of their parents, no matter how loud they told themselves they'd be different
Tana FrenchI wasn't sure I could make it through another hour of his company without throwing my stapler at his head.
Tana FrenchBut this is what I know about people getting ready to walk of the edge of their own lives: they want someone to know how they got there. Maybe they want to know that when they dissolve into earth and water, that last fragment will be saved, held in some corner of someone's mind; or maybe all they want is a chance to dump it pulsing and bloody into someone else's hands, so it won't weigh them down on the journey. They want to leave their stories behind. No one in all the world knows that better than I do.
Tana French