Greek philosophy departs from the assumption that we can understand the world autonomously using our rational faculties. Islam is not saying this.
Tariq RamadanAs Muslims, our interests are our values. In any society, be it in Western or Muslim-majority countries, our duty is that of critical loyalty: Staying loyal to our countries by always being critically engaged in the name of the principles of justice, equality and human brotherhood. We should be the ethical and moral voice wherever we are by saying that, even though we understand economic and geo-strategic interests, we cannot accept a violation of these principles by any society.
Tariq RamadanThere are certain things that we cannot understand, like why we pray five times a day, for example. But the fact that we choose to pray is understandable.
Tariq RamadanI think what we are seeing is a vicious circle: by covering the controversies and the conflicting realities, it creates a much distorted perception of Islam and Muslims. When a minority is being taken as a majority, it creates a wrong image.
Tariq RamadanWe must re-center philosophy within our frame of reference which I think is the way to deal with it.
Tariq RamadanWhat you need to do is protect the structures and dynamics that are helping the people choose. The only thing that we can do is to respect the will of the people when it comes to majority processes. It is not for us to impose a model, it is not for us to impose answers to some critical questions.
Tariq Ramadan