Being Muslim has become synonymous with pointed questions, with tension and mistrust, even with conflict. It has become a global phenomenon with profound consequences for inter-communal relations, political rhetoric and policies at the local, regional, national and international level.
Tariq RamadanPopulism is everywhere. We have religious populism in the Muslim-majority countries as much as we have populism in the United States of America.
Tariq RamadanIt is only through the opposition of ideas that we can learn to be self-critical, to work towards intellectual humility.
Tariq RamadanThere is a Sufi trend, a madhabi Sufi trend, and I don't have any problem with this. What is not acceptable is that, first, some scholars are trying to show to the audience that they are open to other trends. However, when it comes to the retreat or the panels, they don't want to be with some of us because they are scared of being exposed.
Tariq Ramadan