Everyone who is educated today wants to sit at a comfortable desk under a fan and live in an air-conditioned house surrounded by a garden, coming and going in an American car as wide as the street. If we do not tear out this disease by the roots we shall have with us a bourgeoisie that is in no way connected with the reality of our life.
Tayeb SalihI have redefined the so-called East-West relationship as essentially one of conflict, while it had previously been treated in romantic terms.
Tayeb SalihI entered the water as naked as when my mother bore me. When I first touched the cold water I felt a shudder go through me, then the shudder was transformed into a sensation of wakefulness.
Tayeb SalihEveryone starts at the beginning of the road, and the world is in an endless state of childhood.
Tayeb SalihI want to take my rightful share of life by force, I want to give lavishly, I want love to flow from my heart, to ripen and bear fruit. There are many horizons that must be visited, fruit that must be plucked, books read, and white pages in the scrolls of life to be inscribed with vivid sentences in a bold hand.
Tayeb Salih