Be good to people. Be good to every single person you come into contact with. My best friends are great musicians. But more than that, they're great people.
Taylor SwiftIt's dangerous to read the Internet about yourself when you're me. Or when you're anyone in the public eye.
Taylor SwiftYou start to realize that the things that are different about you are the things that make you special. And, as cliche as at that sounds, you realize that if you are lucky enough to have something that is different about you...don't try to hide it. I don't try to blend in anymore, it's all about standing out.
Taylor SwiftWe find ourselves in that situation where we want to believe, we want to think we're the exception, we want to think we can change someone or tame a lion or make a bad guy good or something like that but 9 times out of 10 we end up looking back going, "Oh, shame on me, should've seen that one coming!"
Taylor SwiftI want to make people feel things when they hear my music I want to give a song to someone who is going through a break up, I want to give a song to someone who loves someone and can't tell them. A song for someone who has just fallen in love and a song for just people who are living their lives.
Taylor Swift