That's what actually caused me to run for office is, you know, my family story, the experience of growing up in a family where your dad had been imprisoned, had been tortured, and came to America with nothing, washing dishes for 50 cents an hour. That was perhaps the most formative experience of my childhood, is being raised in that household where freedom had an urgency.
Ted CruzA brand new Telemundo poll says that three out of four Hispanics that vote nationwide have a negative opinion of Doanald Trump. They don't like you.
Ted CruzI'm the son of a pastor and evangelist and I've described many times how my father, when I was a child, was an alcoholic. He was not a Christian. And my father left my mother and left me when I was just three years old. And someone invited him to Clay Road Baptist Church. And he gave his heart to Jesus and it turned him around. And he got on a plane and he flew back to my mother and me.
Ted CruzI think the establishment donor class has begun to crumble. They`re searching for [Marco] Rubio, trying to get some momentum there. But the establishment in terms of the official elected leadership of the Republican Party, when you look at [Kevin] McCarthy, they`re starting to wrap theirselves around the idea of [Donald] Trump, holding back on an endorsement.
Ted Cruz