What data can tell you is if you have 10 messages, all of which you believe, it can tell you which messages are resonating and which aren't. And if you break it down even further, the truth of the matter is some messages resonate one place and other messages resonate another place.
Ted CruzI think Super Tuesday is the most important day of this entire primary election. It is the most delegates awarded in a single night will be awarded on Super Tuesday.
Ted CruzIf you want a candidate who is led the fight against Obamacare, who will lift the burdens on small businesses and bring back jobs, I'm the only candidate in the race with that proven record.
Ted CruzThe last 15 years, there has been no recorded warming. Contrary to all the theories that they are expounding, there should have been warming over the last 15 years. It hasn't happened.
Ted Cruz