I will sing their praises, I'll sing Donald's [Trump] praises and Marco's [Rubio] praises and everybody else's praises. But I'm going to keep the focus on substance and records. And there's a reason why they scream "Liar." Because when you point to their own records, their own voting records, their own words, they don't like their records because their records are inconsistent with what they're running on.
Ted CruzI am perfectly happy to compromise whether it's with Democrats or anybody else, as long as we're reducing the size of government.
Ted CruzI will tell you, as president, I'm not going to be neutral. America will stand unapologetically with Israel.
Ted CruzThe Second Amendment was designed explicitly to protect weapons that would be useful in a military context.
Ted CruzThis man [Barack Obama] does not have the interests of our country. That's not his agenda. His agenda is to bring us down to a third-world country.
Ted Cruz