You mean to say that when an imbecile walks into a church, office, day care center, or school, stumbling about, almost zombie-like, with gun-filled hands at his side, blabbering incoherently to his next victim, the reaction of grown men and women is to run, cry, whimper, and hide under a desk or pew? The sheeping of America is nearly complete.
Ted NugentLet's be honest, if the Democrats didn't support ignoring our nation's immigration laws, there is no way they could win the presidency or a local dog catcher election.
Ted NugentLook what venison does to a goofy guitar player from Detroit? I'm going to be 54 this year and if I had any more energy I'd scare you.
Ted NugentThere are some power-abusing, corrupt monsters in our federal government that despise me because I have the audacity to speak the truth.
Ted Nugent