Criminality should be exterminated by disabling all notorious and irreclaimable criminals.
Tennessee Celeste ClaflinWidows are more skillful anglers for husbands than spinsters, and many marry several times. This is a social injustice to spinsters. "One man one woman," is surely as fair a cry as "One man one vote." As there is scarcely one man for each woman, what right has one woman to two, three, or four men in succession? She may reply, "By the right of conquest." But, then, is she not reducing others to unhappy courses or to become old maids?... Society, for the interests of all, should discourage the remarriage of widows.
Tennessee Celeste Claflin... the absolute freedom of woman will be the dawn of the day of man's regeneration. In raising her he will elevate himself.
Tennessee Celeste Claflin... no community where more than one-half of the adults are disfranchised and otherwise incapacitated by law and custom, can be free from great vices. Purity is inconsistent with slavery.
Tennessee Celeste Claflin