... in all cases of monstrosity at birth anaesthetics should be applied by doctors publicly appointed for that purpose... Every successive year would see fewer of the unfit born, and finally none. But, it may be urged, this is legalized infanticide. Assuredly it is; and it is urgently needed.
Tennessee Celeste Claflin... it is as true in morals as in physics that all force is imperishable; therefore the consequences of a human action never cease.
Tennessee Celeste ClaflinCriminality should be exterminated by disabling all notorious and irreclaimable criminals.
Tennessee Celeste ClaflinWith all her masculine vigour and glory, Greece fell, gradually atrophied, because one half of her had been, of set purpose, intellectually and politically paralyzed.
Tennessee Celeste ClaflinWidows are more skillful anglers for husbands than spinsters, and many marry several times. This is a social injustice to spinsters. "One man one woman," is surely as fair a cry as "One man one vote." As there is scarcely one man for each woman, what right has one woman to two, three, or four men in succession? She may reply, "By the right of conquest." But, then, is she not reducing others to unhappy courses or to become old maids?... Society, for the interests of all, should discourage the remarriage of widows.
Tennessee Celeste Claflin... men of highest genius have been too frequently of extremely shaky morals.
Tennessee Celeste ClaflinLet us have a fair field! This is all we ask, and we will be content with nothing less. The finger of evolution, which touches everything, is laid tenderly upon women. They have on their side all the elements of progress, and its spirit stirs within them. They are fighting, not for themselves alone, but for the future of humanity. Let them have a fair field!
Tennessee Celeste Claflin