There is a basic problem that a lot of Western monks and nuns become ordained without really understanding or appreciating what the monastic life is all about.
Tenzin PalmoYou can still practice to be a better and kinder and happier person. That's perfectly possible.
Tenzin PalmoMost of the people I talk to are not going to go off and live in a cave. Why should they? So I talk about how people can stop separating dharma practice - going on retreats, going to dharma centers, hearing talks, reading books - from their ordinary life.
Tenzin PalmoBuddha activity doesn't mean radiating light and elevating yourself up a thousand feet in the air. That's not the point. The point is, as Zen is always saying - and Tibetans understand this also very well - every activity becomes perfect Buddha activity.
Tenzin PalmoI never really wondered about getting from London to Lahaul. It all seemed such a natural progression. In London I felt I was in the wrong place and wanted to leave. I'd thought about going to Australia or New Zealand. It's nothing against England, but I knew I wasn't meant to be there.
Tenzin Palmo