The real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of you can make of it whatever you wish.
Terence McKennaIf psychedelics are, on any level, to be taken seriously as catalyzers or expanders of consciousness, then we need them, because it's an absence of consciousness that is making this historical transition so excruciating.
Terence McKennaThe Internet is light at the end of the tunnel. I don't care if it's being used to peddle pornography, I don't care if it's being trivialized in a thousand ways. Anything can be trivialized. The important point is that it is leveling the playing field of global society. It is creating de-facto an entirely new set of political realities. None of the constipated, oligarchic structures that are resisting this were ever asked. Their greed betrayed them into investing in this in the first place without ever fully grasping what the implications of it were for their larger agenda.
Terence McKennaThe world which we perceive is a tiny fraction of the world which we can perceive, which is a tiny fraction of the perceivable world.
Terence McKenna