I really think that the psychedelic realm is the realm of ideas, and that ideas which change the world come first from that place.
Terence McKennaWhat the psychedelic experience really is, is opening the doorway into a lost continent of the human mind, a continent that we have almost lost all connection to, and the nature of this lost world of the human mind is that it is a Gaian entelechy.
Terence McKennaTelevision, while chemically non-invasive, nevertheless is every bit as addicting and physiologically damaging as any other drug.
Terence McKennaInform yourself, inform your children, talk to your friends! And let's try to make a better, stonier world than the one we inherited!
Terence McKennaWhat is revealed through the psychedelic experience, I think, is a higher dimensional perspective on reality. And I use 'higher dimensional' in the mathematical sense.
Terence McKennaAnd yet my, not only my faith, but my experience has led me to believe that the world is not a construction of space and time and matter and energy. That that mapping is insufficient. That the world is instead some kind of a linguistic construct. It is more in the nature of a sentence, or a novel, or a work of art than it is in the nature of these machine models of interlocking law that we inherit out of a thousand years of rational reductionism.
Terence McKenna