Clearly, what is happening, I think, is there is a kind of global emergence of a new mental order.
Terence McKennaIn other words, all these things you might cling to, Catholicism, democratic ideals, Hasidism, Marxism, Freudianism, all of these things are exposed [through use of psychedelics] as simply quaint cultural artifacts, painted masks and rattles assembled by people of good intent but clearly not great grasp of the situation.
Terence McKennaThe psychedelic mind is a higher dimensional mind, it is not fit for three dimensional space time.
Terence McKennaAnd the whole schtick of the psychedelic experience, I think, is reclaim immediate experience, realize that you out vote all parliaments, police forces, and major newspapers on the planet because, who knows, they may be illusions.
Terence McKenna