The entire drug phenomenon of the 1960s happened without the concept of shamanism to help it along.
Terence McKennaLanguage, thought, analysis, art, dance, poetry, mythmaking: these are the things that point the way toward the realm of the eschaton.
Terence McKennaScience works its miracles by turning its enterprise into a kind of parlor game confined to the category matter and energy.
Terence McKennaThe 20th century mind is nostalgic for the paradise that once existed on the mushroom dotted plains of Africa where the plant-human symbiosis occurred that pulled us out of the animal body and into the tool-using, culture-making, imagination-exploring creature that we are. And why does this matter? It matters because it shows that the way out is back and that the future is a forward escape into the past. This is what the psychedelic experience means. Its a doorway out of history and into the wiring under the board in eternity.
Terence McKenna