Accustom yourself continually to make many acts of love, for they enkindle and melt the soul.
Teresa of AvilaTo argue over who is the more noble is nothing more than to dispute whether dirt is better for making bricks or for making mortar.
Teresa of AvilaMy good works, however wretched and imperfect, have been made better and perfected by Him Who is my Lord: He has rendered them meritorious. As to my evil deeds and my sins, He hid them at once. The eyes of those who saw them, He made even blind; and He has blotted them out of their memory.
Teresa of AvilaThose who give themselves to prayer should in a special manner have always a devotion to St. Joseph; for I know not how any man can think of the Queen of the angels, during the time that she suffered so much with the Infant Jesus, without giving thanks to St. Joseph for the services he rendered them then.
Teresa of Avila